Customs is a government agency responsible for regulating shipments entering a country or region. All shipments being sent to and from a country or region must finish customs checks/clearance first. It's always buyer's responsibilities to clear customs and pay the relevant custom duties.

In most countries, however, you have to pay taxes or duties on imported goods. Sometimes goods under a certain value, or in certain categories, do not incur taxes.

The rules are different in every country. Unfortunately there is no way for us to know the rules, regulations, customs, traditions, practices, loopholes, schemes, systems, paperwork, codes, laws, or rulings of every single country.

If you have to pay import taxes and/or additional duties and sales taxes, then you would have to pay that to the courier upon receipt of the package(s). We can't calculate this for you or you cannot pre-pay it. If you are drop-shipping or sending a gift item to someone, please make sure they are aware of the possibility of having to pay taxes when receiving the goods.

Please find out as much as you can about your import taxes in your own country before completing your order. If you find out information about the import tax situation in your country, and you believe there are ways to minimize the taxes you have to pay (or eliminate the taxes altogether), just tell us what you need by putting instructions (regarding labeling, packing, declarations, invoices, etc.) in the comments field during checkout. We are more than happy to follow your instructions.


Contact Info:
Address: YangQiao Road and KaiFu Road Intersection #4 Factory Building, ShushanXinChanYeYuanQu, Shushan District, Hefei City, Anhui Province, China
Telephone: +86 055162655510